April 02, 2006

Only a constitution can save us from this abuse of power

Here is a good piece in the Observe about the horrors that Blair and his authoritarian crew have unleashed, pointing out that we need a constitution now simply because New Labour have destroyed the old gentleman's agreement not to be a bunch of tyrannical twats
Nearly nine years on, what we can say - quite categorically - is that Labour's programme of legislation challenges the British constitution like no other administration before it. In a thousand tiny - and not so tiny - cuts Labour threatens our rights and freedoms, the rule of law and the sovereignty of Parliament.
He then goes on to list a selection of the worst offenders, such as control orders the Enabling Act Civil Contingencies Act, RIPA etc. Perhaps he should head over to Liberty Central and see what us people that saw what New Labour where up to long before him have been getting up to trying to start drafting one.


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